The Home Assistant Operating System (HAOS) has a couple of advantages over the other installation methods, Home Assistant Container and Core. It includes among other things the Supervisor, add-ons, and backup functionality (detailed comparison). Using the official virtual machine image that is built on top of Alpine Linux, you can get Home Assistant OS running on Proxmox in a few minutes.

These instructions assume you have SSH/terminal access to the Proxmox host. This makes it easy to import the VM image and create the VM.

First identify the release by going to the Home Assistant OS release page on GitHub and find the latest release. You want to find the compressed qcow2 image. As of September 2021, that’s haos_ova-6.4.qcow2.xz.

Now login to the Proxmox host, download the image (replace the URL with the latest link from the GitHub release page), and decompress it:

xz -d haos_ova-6.4.qcow2.xz

I’m setting up Home Assistant OS with VM ID 101 and VM name haos-vm which you should change to fit your personal setup. Execute the following steps to import the VM image as a new Proxmox VM:

qm create 101 --name haos-vm --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 --bios ovmf --cores 2 --memory 4096 --agent enabled=1
qm importdisk 101 haos_ova-6.4.qcow2 local-lvm --format qcow2
qm set 101 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci --scsi0 local-lvm:vm-101-disk-0
qm set 101 --boot c --bootdisk scsi0
pvesm alloc local-lvm 101 vm-101-disk-1 4M
qm set 101 -efidisk0 local-lvm:vm-101-disk-1

Here’s the explanation for the above steps:

  1. Create the VM. I found 2 CPU cores and 4096 MiB of memory sufficient for a small installation with a few plugins.
  2. Import the decompressed qcow2 image as a disk to the local-lvm storage. Change the storage if you store your Proxmox VMs somewhere else.
  3. Assign the imported disk from (2) to the VM.
  4. Set the imported disk from (2) as the boot disk.
  5. Allocate 4 MiB for the EFI disk.
  6. Assign the EFI disk to the VM.

Now you can start the VM. Since we enabled the QEMU Guest Agent daemon using --agent enabled=1 during VM creation, you can see the VM’s IP address in the Proxmox web interface. Go to http://VM_IP:8123 in your browser and finish the setup.